You can hear all the mistweaver monks with their shiny new 2pc bonus crying into their mana tea with this bug hotfix.
Fixed a situation where Tier-15 Mistweaver Monk 2-piece set bonus could cause Renewing Mist to heal more than intended.
This is the second hotfix to the 2pc bonus – the original from March 19th was “Tier-15 Mistweaver 2-piece set bonus should now increase the healing of Renewing Mist by the correct amount.”
The issue with the two piece bonus and Thunder Focus Tea (TFT) bonus refresh.
The T15 pcs bonus for MW is “Your Renewing Mist heals for 15% more each time it travels to a new target.” and added with TFT’s “You receive a jolt of energy, doubling the healing done by your next Surging Mist or causing your next Uplift to refresh the duration of your Renewing Mists on all targets. Lasts for 30 sec.” was causing a lot of extra healing that was speculated wasn’t quite working as intended, since the 2pc bonus seemed very overpowered. The TFT refresh was causing all renewing mist heals to refresh as 132% of the healing, instead of jumping by the correct amount as indicated by the bonus of increasing each jump by 15%.
In simpler terms, here is how nukethetuna in the Elitist Jerks thread explains it in their Mistweaver thread:
Correct. Of note is that using Thunder Focus Tea with Uplift counts as a “jump” when it reapplies Renewing Mists to all targets. This was unchanged in the hotfix, so our 2pc and 4pc do share some synergy.
So with the 2pc the possible healing on ReM is:
Initial cast: 100%
Second target: 115%
Third target: 132.25%
Third target + TFT -> Uplift: 152.08%TFT -> Uplifting will bump each target up a “tier”, per say.
So appears that it might finally be fixed correctly, but we should expect some more feedback to come out about it over the next few days.
There is also more discussion at MMO-Champion.
I guess I will have to be satisfied with being OP instead of Super OP 🙁