Healers keeping track of trinkets with spreadsheet calculations will need to update once more, because the Lightning-Imbued Chalice has been buffed again.
Lightning-Imbued Chalice now has a greatly increased chance to generate Infinite Power.
It is unclear how much the “greatly increased chance” is, but reports from healers with this trinket found this was underwhelming and underperforming, despite it being the only healing trinket that increases the proc heal with the amount of spellpower the healer has.
“Restoration of the Infinite” is the proc this trinket produces, and the proc can crit, so if you know anyone with the trinket, it is worth checking logs from the last day or two to see what kind of output it is producing.
Note: Inscribed Bag of Hydra-Spawn has now been buffed as well.
For more on this trinket, see the HealersCDs Guide to Lightning-Imbued Chalice
I haven’t gotten one yet, despite two coin rolls on it, but my friend said he noticed the proc seemed to be higher when he was running 5.0 LFR. We had already cleared ToT heroic/normal this week, but I plan to go through the logs next week to see if it improved for him over last week where he described it as “meh”.